Waquoit Bay Reserve Coastal Training Program


Pond Oxygenation Workshop: Learning Through Case Studies

November 8, 2023
There are many strategies to combat poor water quality that depend on the biology and nutrient inputs of each pond. This workshop, experts addressed a specific technology, oxygenation, that aims to manage algae by adding oxygen to the water column. The workshop touched on the few examples where oxygen has been circulated in ponds on Cape Cod (Santuit Pond, Mashpee & Skinequit Pond, Harwich), but focused on Oxygen Saturation Technology (OST) that oxygenates the bottom water layer of ponds without water mixing. Data and lessons learned from lakes and ponds where OST has been implemented both locally (Sarah’s Pond, Orleans) and in California will be used to discuss the feasibility of OST to address poor water quality in Cape Cod’s freshwater ponds.....Learn more

Pond Oxygenation Workshop: Learning Through Case Studies2024-02-26T12:49:54-05:00

Credit for Going Green: Meeting Water Quality Standards with Buffers

June 27, 2019
The capacity of buffers to protect water quality is widely acknowledged in scientific literature. However, until now there has not been a way to quantify the ability of constructed or restored buffers to reduce pollution, or for some New England communities to receive credit for their use under MS4 permits...Learn more

Credit for Going Green: Meeting Water Quality Standards with Buffers2019-09-16T11:07:59-04:00

Coastal Resiliency and the Real Estate Industry

January 23, 2019, March 26, 2019, May 3, 2019
Workshop for Cape Cod Realtors: Stories of devastating storms causing widespread damage in coastal communities have dominated the news in recent times. These costly events have affected people, property, livelihoods, as well as the psychology of those who live and work in coastal communities....Learn more

Coastal Resiliency and the Real Estate Industry2019-09-16T10:58:01-04:00

Resilient Shores: Green Solutions

April 12, 2018
This workshop provided a deeper understanding of what living shorelines are, how and where they are being used, and lessons learned from their real world application....Learn more

Resilient Shores: Green Solutions2019-09-16T10:58:21-04:00

Wastewater Planning Around the Cape

April 30, 2013
Each town will provide a status update on where each town is at in their wastewater/water management efforts including their actions, experiences, lessons and next steps....Learn more

Wastewater Planning Around the Cape2019-09-16T11:00:03-04:00

Using Eco Toilets to Manage Our Wastewater: The Falmouth Initiative

April 5, 2013
The town of Falmouth is currently engaging in a unique project to test the use of eco-toilets as a means of meeting state regulatory requirements for reducing nitrogen loading. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Falmouth project and wasy it could be applied to different towns....Learn more

Using Eco Toilets to Manage Our Wastewater: The Falmouth Initiative2019-09-16T11:00:03-04:00

Going It Together

December 12, 2012
This workshop will provide an opportunity for local officials to learn about and discuss what using a regional approach to solving Cape Cod’s wastewater problem means for towns. ...Learn more

Going It Together2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00

Ocean Outfall Symposium

May 25, 2012
Could ocean outfalls be part of the suite of solutions that municipalities on Cape Cod use to address wastewater management needs? This question is being explored by some municipalities as part of the process to develop comprehensive wastewater management plans...Learn more

Ocean Outfall Symposium2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00

Working Together to Get Things Done

May 3, 2012
This workshop will provide an opportunity for local officials to learn about and discuss what using a regional approach to solving Cape Cod’s wastewater problem means for towns....Learn more

Working Together to Get Things Done2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00

Cleaning Up Our Coastal Waters

April 18, 2012
This workshop is intended to provide local officials, municipal boards, and community members with a solid understanding of nitrogen cycling and pollution budgets (Total Maximum Daily Loads-TMDLs) in the coastal environment. ...Learn more

Cleaning Up Our Coastal Waters2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00

Sea Level Rise Forum

February 15, 2012
Global sea level is rising and it is rising faster than it has in the past. Sea level rise will impact the coast in many different ways, affecting and transforming coastal communities, beaches, low-lying areas, wetlands, estuaries, aquifers and coastal development and infrastructure....Learn more

Sea Level Rise Forum2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00

Wastewater: The Scoop on Poop

January 14, 2012
An expert panel will discuss the pros and cons of centralized and decentralized treatment options including sewers, neighborhood cluster systems, on-site alternative systems (including composting and urine diverting systems), shellfish aquaculture for nitrogen removal, and modifying tidal inlets to improve flushing...Learn more

Wastewater: The Scoop on Poop2019-09-16T11:00:26-04:00
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