Research around the Reserve
There are currently over 50 research projects happening at the Reserve. Some of these are conducted by in-house Reserve staff, some by scientists from other institutions such as Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Marine Biological Laboratory, USGS, Boston University, UMass, URI, etc. Depending on the project, Reserve scientists work closely with these outside groups, or simply offer logistical support including boat transportation, lab space, and equipment use. All visiting researchers have access to the wealth of data and information accumulated over 25 years of hundreds of studies.
If you are planning a research project within the Waquoit Bay Reserve’s property, please contact the Reserve’s Research Coordinator, Megan Tyrrell to discuss the details. Once you are informally approved, you will need to complete and return a Research Project Registration form (below). After assessment of the information provided on the form, the project can receive the Reserve’s formal approval.
To search projects by subject, click the subject on the right-hand bar.