Project Title: Land–sea coupling and global-driven forcing: following some of Scott Nixon’s challenges

Date: 2015

Principal Investigator(s): Valiela, I. & Bartholomew, M.

Summary: Adjoined watershed–estuary–coastal ecosystems are coupled by biogeochemical and hydrodynamic processes, as Scott Nixon repeatedly argued in his many contributions. Case histories from Waquoit Bay and the Pacific Coast of Panama, supplemented by information from other sites, make evident that the couplings that enable connectivity among spatially separate landscape units, while highly subject to detailed local contingencies, take place in every coastal zone, can be powerfully affected by human activities on land, and by global-scale forcings, as Scott Nixon often reminded us. Read full text…Estuaries and Coasts 38: 1189. doi:10.1007/s12237-01498083.