Project Title: Investigating the presence of microplastics in the estuarine biota of Waquoit Bay

Duration: June-2023 to December-2023

Funding Source(s): NSF-REU Biological Discovery in Woods Hole Program, and the Semester in Environmental Science.

Principal Investigator(s): Javier Lloret (

Onsite-contact: Kelsey Chenoweth (

Affiliation: Marine Biological Laboratory

Project Description: Lloret, Chenoweth and students will be developing projects aimed at quantifying the presence of microplastic particles in estuarine invertebrates, and understanding the patterns and distribution of these particles across various degrees of urbanization along the shorelines of Waquoit Bay subestuaries. They will also examine how different feeding types and life strategies may alter the relative presence and concentrations of microplastic in invertebrates.